Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother`s Day


这张照片里,幸福,亮丽的女士,就是我妈妈。 祝你母亲节快乐!

女人,就是会吃醋的,妈妈也是女人,希望大家就借这个机会告诉你的妈妈你有多爱他。忙碌的生活,繁忙的节奏,让我们忽略了身边很多重要的事,忘了努力的打拚原来就是为了“家人”,而又因为这样而忽略了原先推动力的圆点 - 家人

我的朋友们,就借这个机会,告诉你妈妈,你有多爱她吧... 买个小礼物,送一张卡,甚至是简单的简讯,对她们来说都是最珍贵的...

有时朋友告诉我,啊... 我不习惯做这些的... 但问问自己,当你生日,节日,等等.. 那你,又喜不喜欢收到这些祝福呢?你又会不会发简讯或什么的给朋友呢?

那为什么最重要的家人,妈妈,就说不习惯... 科技就是在你对最亲最熟的家人,感到不好意思的时候,来让你表达心意的!平时还是多用上天给与我们的天然资源吧。

不然就是, "不用啦,她知道得啦..."

鬼知道!不说出口的关心=零!ZERO 没人知道你在想什么的!拍戏都不是往往旁边有人帮主脚说出真相,是不是?有没有?现在不告诉你妈妈你有多爱他,请问要等什么时候说?


我妈妈在我的心目中是无人可以取代的, 因为你的名字叫“妈妈”

干妈,可以有很多,但妈妈,就只有一个,这个地位,也只有你可以有,在我们家里,我和弟弟都是一样的共识。。。 请你知道这份爱,比任何人都来得更深,更亲,这就是只有母亲才能有的。。。母亲节快乐

1 comment:

  1. I love you mom!!!

    This mother's day was quite a different experience for me as it allowed me to see the different side of my mom. We took her to eat taiwan cuisine as a celebration.

    During the process of ordering and trying out the food, i saw that my mom was just like a little girl, trying something new. My mom's smile really warmed my heart as i can imagine how 'xin fu' and carefree she will be if its not for the burden of the family.

    From that moment, i told myself that i must succeed very fast in life because my mom have already spent half of her life working hard for the family and i MUST return her the freedom that she have scarified for the family.

    So next year, i will bring her with me to the LOCAL INCENTIVE TRIP - MACAU, that i qualify for.

    I, Kelly Kwok will achieve my MANAGER pin by 1st July 2009 and will take the pin on the stage of suntec THE ROCK at my ideal weight of 45kg!!! Yes i can!!!
